All children in Carr Hill Community School start school at 8:45am and finish school at 3:15pm. Children have a morning break of 15 minutes where we promote healthy eating, physical activity, play and reading opportunities. Children also have a break at lunch of 50 minutes. This is spent eating in our dinner hall and playing with their year groups outside.
The timings we have around the school day means that children typically spend 6.5 hours a day in school and 32.5 hours in school each week.
The timetable below highlights the start and end times, where you can collect your child and when they need PE kit and swimming kit (all children in Year 4 and 5 go swimming each week).
The timetable below highlights the break and lunchtimes for you child.
The map below shows the drop off points and collection points for our children in Carr Hill. Remember we have a free breakfast club that is open to all pupils from 8:15am each morning.

If pupils arrive late this could impact on the overall percentage attendance for a child.
Thanks for your support!
Mr Harris