Miss Rickerby is our SENDCo in School.

Our Intent for SEND-Principles and Objectives
We have a responsibility to encourage excellent SEN practice throughout Carr Hill Community Primary School for the benefit of all pupils. To encourage excellent practice, we are committed to the following principles:
- To ensure that all pupils’ needs are identified, assessed and met;
- To ensure all staff are aware of disability equality and support positive outcomes for pupils;
- To provide flexible and sensitive support for pupil learning and cater for pupils’ short and long -term needs;
- To ensure that teaching staff are aware of pupils’ needs and to provide relevant information to inform their planning of classroom experiences;
- To give guidance on appropriate resources to meet the needs of the school and individual pupils;
- To enlist the support of qualified others who will help the school to ensure a high- quality team approach to meeting pupil need;
- To establish a working partnership with parents to support pupil learning and development;
- To provide a framework for the monitoring, and evaluation of policy, practice and provision;
- To support appropriate in-service training for all staff;
- To keep the governing body informed of all aspects of learning support in school.
- The role of the leader is to co-ordinate provision to ensure meaningful learning experiences
We believe at Carr Hill that our ethos should include multiple opportunities to encourage all children to communicate their feelings, empathise with others and to build positive relationships with other children and adults who support them. Through a nurturing and mutually respectful approach we will guide them to manage strong emotions, understand their own personal safety, make good choices, therefore limiting their vulnerabilities. Through our inclusive provision and flexibility within the school, we are able to address the needs of all children. This will allow them to access all areas of the curriculum in a meaningful way, enabling them to grow as happy, resilient learners.
Our Implementation for SEND
All staff have a responsibility to ensure the quality of provision for children with SEND.
Children with SEND are taught inclusively alongside their peers within a classroom setting/or nurture class/in-class support from a Teaching Assistant/activities are differentiated for individual needs.
Nurture Groups are found in 3 key areas of the school in KS1, LKS2 and UKS2.
- They are set up to include class sizes of KS1: 16 pupils and 2 adults, with additional support from 1 TA FT, 1 teacher 3 days, and 1 TA 4 days.
- LKS2 with 24 pupils and 1 TA FT and 1 TA 4 mornings.
- UKS2 with 24 pupils and 1 TA FT and 1 HLTA 4 mornings.
WS Intervention programmes for short periods of time to receive this additional support. This will be in either carried out using small groups/pairs/1:1 from TAs in this area.
Intervention Strategies used include:
- English-phonics, Letters and Sounds mostly in KS1, Writing Support, Speech Com Needs-Talk Boost, Emotional Literacy Programmes E.g. Social Stories, OT-fine motor and gross motor coordination games/skills, Maths basic skills-Numbers Count, Success at Arithmetic and First Class at Number.
- Emotional Programmes include also those most vulnerable e.g. Mosaic, Kalmer Counselling.
We access support from a wide range of professionals; ED PSYCHOLOGY service who also provide training and workshops for staff e.g. Sunshine Circles, Precision Training, reviews are attended to help us support parents, HINT and SENIT, who give feedback and up-skill staff working with targets for key individuals-Colourful,Semantics, EYIAT for our EY children, SALT, OT, Physio, EMTAS, Primary Behaviour Support and CYPS who we liase with for those most vulnerable and with additional learning needs.
Assessment and reviews take place regularly-to move forward in their learning- annual reviews for EHCP pupils and all pupils on the SEN register reviewed 2x per year. ILP’s are updated and parents informed.
The Impact of SEND
Embedded within the ethos of the school, is a high regard for everyone and the need to celebrate success, whatever that may look like. Positive interactions and trust are part of our daily practice. Additionally, children are supported with enrichment opportunities including outdoor activities, community events, trailblazers, designated weekly activities like mental health week, bullying weeks which support and nurture many children who are included on our SEN register. Through early identification of pupils with special educational needs, teachers and the SENDCo consider key information gathered and use these early discussions with close involvement of pupils and their parents. This allows for the implementation of a plan of support and intervention, which will outline the strategies and intervention programmes which help to remove barriers to learning.
Information and Support for Parents