Welcome to our school website.
Our intention as we planned the layout was to make the information we provide for you as easily accessible as possible. As you navigate yourself around the site you will see how we use drop down menus from the categories at the top of this page for you to access so much more information about our school.
We want it to be user friendly – for pupils, parents/carers and visitors to our school.
If you want to communicate with us by email you can do so by using [email protected]
Those of you who know our school will appreciate just how special a learning community we have established here in Carr Hill. Our pupils are magnificent and we celebrate on a daily basis their individual and collective efforts as they contribute towards ensuring their teachers focus on raising aspiration, raising achievement and raising happy, sociable young learners who are proud to attend our school.
As Headteacher never a day goes by without me being grateful for the tremendous efforts of our staff and the outstanding relationships that exist with our pupils which spur on their hunger for learning and pride in their school.
So, enjoy your visit and please feel comfortable to engage with us where you can.
Paul Harris (Headteacher)