What a fantastic day we had on Friday to celebrate this years NSPCC’s Number Day!
The whole school enjoyed a day dedicated to Maths and we managed to raise lots of money for the amazing charity! – take a look at our photos below to see what we got up to!
Our children in Nursery had a fantastic morning raising money for the NSPCC. We started the morning with a subitising spot hunt where the children had to work in teams to look for their given number of spots, either 1, 2, or 3 and collect them in their basket. We then explored number and shape through our play with activities such as 2D shape printing in the paint and dough and sorting 2D shapes to feed to our Shape Monsters. We also sorted different representations of 1, 2 and 3 using our ‘fast eyes’ to try and recognise the amount without counting. During PE we explored positional language, sorting and counting by completing an obstacle course where we had to travel across, under, through, over, on and up the apparatus. We also had to sort the beanbags and throw them into the correct colour bucket and count out 3 jumps on the trampoline. What a busy morning!

What a fantastic day our Reception children had! Take a look at our fun-filled day!

Year 1B
Take a look below to see what the children in Year 1B got up to!

Year 3

Year 4a

Year 4b
Year 4b also had a fantastic day! We practised our multiplication skills with a Kahoot and a game of darts. We have been working on rounding in our Maths lessons this week and we consolidated our learning by playing a rounding game against our partners. We also played other maths based games like ‘Totality’ and ‘Storm’, which got us on our feet, active and using our arithmetic skills!