NSPCC Number Day 2024

Here at Carr Hill, we are huge supporters of the NSPCC and over the years, as a school, we have raised lots of money for the charity. Today, we took part in this years NSPCC Number Day where the whole school enjoyed a day full of maths! As a result of our donations, we have … Continued

Fundraising Disco

What a fun evening our UKS2 children have had at our fundraising disco. The aim of our disco tonight was to raise money to purchase some new playground equipment and games for the children to make use of during their break and lunch time. The children managed to raise over £100 to improve our equipment … Continued

Gateshead School Sport Partnership Basketball Final

What an absolute privilege to watch these superstars play in the Gateshead Primary Schools’ Basketball Final at Whickham on the 5th February. This amazing group of up and coming sports stars qualified through their cluster tournament to represent the Grace College Cluster. One of just 7 schools across Gateshead to qualify, they played magnificently, and … Continued

Year 5 Design and Technology

This half term, in Design and Technology, the children in Year 5 have been learning all about mechanisms. In their DT lessons, they have been investigating gears and how they work. The children have also investigated pulleys and tested them out around our classroom. Click here to see our pulleys in action! . Click here … Continued

Year 5 English

The children in Year 5 were introduced to their new text in English last week. A mysterious box arrived in the classroom, full of strange and unusual objects. They spent the lesson investigating the objects in the box, and predicting what they thought they knew about the story characters and story plot.

Developing our Vocabulary in Year 5

A huge focus for our children in Year 5 this year has been the development of their language skills. This is fostered through their love of reading. In one of their English lessons last week, they were using their dictionary skills to locate the meanings of new and unfamiliar language! and keeping a record of … Continued

Key Stage 1 Football Club

As part of our commitment to sport at Carr Hill, we run an after-school football club every week. The children have really improved their skills and play over this half term and our coach is very impressed with their progress and the children are thoroughly enjoying it. Well done everyone!

Year 5 Active Maths

In Carr Hill, we spend lots of time looking at ways to keep our children active. This is our Year 5 children, completing a fractions number trail. They had to hunt for clues and solve the problems. Not only did this get their legs moving and hearts pumping, but it also reinforced some key mathematical … Continued

Year 5 and 6 Visit the Centre for Life

This week, our Year 5 and 6 children have had the opportunity to visit the Centre for Life. This half term, we have been learning all about space in our topic ‘A Journey to Space’ and the purpose for our visit was to enhance our learning and to experience the Space Zone.       … Continued

Exploring Pulleys in Year 5/6

In Design and Technology this half term, our Year 5/6 children have been learning about gears and pulleys. Last week, the children explored the mechanism for a pulley and then made their own using string and cups. We then tested our pulleys around the classroom.