Poet Paul Cookson at Caedamon Hall

This week we attended an audience with the poet Paul Cookson at Caedamon Hall. We laughed until our sides hurt and learned so many unusual facts through poetry. We particularly enjoyed participating in some performance poetry, learning the moves to ‘Toilets Have Teeth’ and ‘Cubic Poo!’ We were fascinated to see just how quickly a … Continued

Computing Algorithms on Christmas Jumper Day

What could be be better than an afternoon of creating algorithms for our Beebots and debugging unsuccessful routes? Well perhaps doing all of this on CHRISTMAS JUMPER DAY! So much fun had in our classroom today. We helped our Beebots find their way through the obstacles we had placed, by carefully writing algorithms and assessing … Continued

Understanding how Christians Celebrate Christmas

We believe it’s so important to understand how all of our friends practice their religions. This December we visited St. Alban’s, where Reverend Danie was happy to explain how Christians celebrate Christmas by making Christingles. Everyone joined in and ‘some’ of the Christingles made it back to school with all four sweets still in place.